Asked Questions
What is Shadow?
What can I use Shadow for?
Will I be able to use Shadow right after I subscribe to it?
On what type of devices is Shadow available?
What are the minimum hardware requirements to use Shadow?
What Internet connection is required to use Shadow?
Can I have more storage?
What are the complete specifications of Shadow?
Can I do a local backup of my data on Shadow?
Can I use Shadow with two screens?
When will I be charged?
How do I keep track of my order?
Can I use a referral code to get a discount on my order?
Can I order for someone else?
What happens to my data if I stop my subscription?
Is my image quality reduced compared to a local system? Is my lag increased?
Are download speeds faster on Shadow?
Does Shadow handle 4K?
Is Shadow secure?
Do you see what I'm doing on my Shadow?
Can I permanently delete all my data?
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